Become a Member

FIC members gather for our 40th anniversary AGM in 2023


The FIC is a non-profit organization which depends on government grants and membership dues to deliver our programs and services.

Since our founding in 1983, our primary function has been to oversee the testing and certification of humane traps. This work ensures the highest possible welfare standards for wild furbearers, while keeping Canada in compliance with the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS). This is a cooperative effort involving government agencies,  wildlife biologists, trappers, and trap manufacturers.

Through this work, we have built an exceptional network of experts in a wide range of furbearer-related topics and are regularly called upon to advise scientific and policymaking bodies. We are recognised authorities on the management and conservation of wild furbearers, and Canada’s humane and sustainable seal harvest.

While  many of our members work directly with wild furbearers, we welcome representation from all other sectors of the fur trade, including farmers, pelt processors, brokers, auctions, designers, garment manufacturers, and retailers. We also strive to ensure that Indigenous perspectives are well-represented in our organization.

Public Relations

The FIC also works to ensure that the best information about the fur trade is available to the public and media.

Decades of campaigning by animal rights activists mean that public perceptions of what we do are often inaccurate. The media (usually unwittingly) disseminate a steady flow of misinformation, the latest being that fake fur made from polyester is more sustainable than natural fur. Meanwhile pressure is applied to lawmakers, celebrities, designers, garment manufacturers, retailers and fashion shows to abandon fur or face very public accusations of animal cruelty.

Under these circumstances, the FIC believes a sound strategy is for the trade to pool its resources and speak with a unified voice. To this end, we are offering to serve as a forum for ideas to be heard from everyone in the trade, and for messages to be developed by consensus. We are also able to provide media relations support to Institute members.

If you want to support a strong and vibrant Canadian fur trade, please become a member today!

For increased public understanding of the role of the fur trade in Canadian history, culture, tradition, wildlife conservation and management.

Membership Benefits

FIC members receive the following benefits and privileges:

  • Access to a broad network of experts from government, non-profit and private sectors;
  • Representation in national and international fora dealing with conservation, sustainable use and trade;
  • Invitations to FIC conferences, workshops and special events;
  • Voting privileges (full members only);
  • Eligibility to serve on the FIC Board of Directors and committees;
  • Email notifications, including a monthly (approx.) newsletter covering our activities.

Annual Membership Levels

  • National Corporation or Association: $1,000
  • Government Department/Provincial or Territorial Company or Association: $500
  • Small Business/Regional Company or Association: $250
  • Associate Member (no voting rights): $50

Become a FIC Member Today, in Demonstration of Your Support

  • For the principles of sustainable use, conservation and optimum development of the fur resources of Canada;
  • For a collective and concerted program of trap research and development to improve trapping technologies in Canada and around the world;
  • For the development and promotion of the most humane possible means of harvesting wild and farmed furbearing animals;
  • For increased public understanding of the role of the fur trade in Canadian history, culture, tradition, wildlife conservation and management.

Either download our Membership Form, fill it out on your computer, and email it to [email protected], or complete and submit the form below. Your application will then be reviewed by our Board. If it is approved, we will notify you and also send billing information. (The approval process normally takes only a few days, but may take longer, so please bear with us.)






For more information, please Contact Us.